When it comes to your immigration case, be an educated consumer. Avoid obtaining advice from persons such as notarios or so-called immigration "consultants" or "specialists" who are not licensed to practice law.
While in some Latin American countries, a notario is the same as or is an actual attorney, in the United States this is not the case. In the United States, a notario or notary is simply someone who is legally empowered to witness and certify certain documents.
Your immigration case is very important and should not be left to chance. Your individualized case should be handled by an experienced immigration attorney who is licensed to practice law. By not obtaining the proper legal advice about your immigration case, you may not only lose money, but you may put yourself at risk of being deported. Avoid the risk of losing money and/or of being deported simply by taking the time to speak to a licensed immigration attorney.
If you have any questions about your immigration status and/or case, you may contact our office for a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Our principal attorney, Michael M. Felix, has over ten years of experience solely in immigration law. Not only does Michael M. Felix care about his clients, but he cares about his firm's reputation and its ability to present the best possible cases to USCIS. If there is nothing that can be done about your immigration status and/or case, rest assured that an attorney at our firm will be honest and let you know. Contact our office today for your free consultation at (562) 464-6934.