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Law Offices of Michael M. Felix Law Offices of Michael M. Felix
SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 562-445-4870
Court Representation

Representing You and Your Family in Immigration Court

Experienced Los Angeles Immigration Court Lawyers

Facing the possibility of deportation can be a very stressful experience. If you received a “Notice to Appear” from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security this means the government seeks to deport or remove you back to your country of origin. Although you may not have lawful status in the United States, you have the right to be represented in court by a private immigration attorney. It is important to know that unlike in criminal court, you do not have a right to a free public defender in immigration court. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to hire a private attorney because immigration court proceedings and immigration law are usually very complex and difficult to understand without proper legal representation. We urge you to make an appointment with our office so that we could advise you on what to do next.

Call the Law Offices of Michael M. Felix AT (562) 445-4870 to schedule an immediate free consultation with any of our attorneys that specialize in immigration law. It is important that you attend every immigration hearing as the Judge may order you deported in absentia (while not present). With one of our attorneys, you may seek a continuance on your case, apply for a form of immigration relief and even terminate removal/ deportation proceedings.

Bond Proceeding/Hearing

If you or a loved one has been detained by United States Immigration officers such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), you are probably frightened by this terrifying experience. One way our attorneys can help you is by requesting the Immigration Judge for a bond proceeding/hearing, thereby possibly allowing you to be released from detention. If you or your loved one’s bond proceeding/hearing has already been set, our attorneys can also help by requesting the Immigration Judge to re-determine the bond set by the Department of Homeland Security. Please be aware that not everyone is eligible to receive a bond order from an Immigration Judge as some individuals are given “mandatory detention.” Eligibility depends on many factors such as why you or your loved one was picked up by United States Immigration officers. If you or a loved one has been detained by United States Immigration officers, please call our office today at (562) 445-4870 for your free consultation.


Are you afraid that your life would be at risk if you were forced to return to your home country? You may be protected under the immigration asylum laws and be allowed to remain indefinitely in the United States, with permission to work. Asylum seekers must prove that he or she has well-founded fear or have suffered past-persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, and or political opinion. Winning an asylum case is challenging, but our attorneys’ substantial expertise in immigration law allows them to navigate even the complexities of asylum law and will work with you to obtain the results you are seeking. One year after being granted asylum, you may apply for lawful permanent residence (“Green Card”) and work towards ultimately becoming a citizen of the United States. Our law firm is committed to helping protect immigrants whose lives are in danger in their home countries and our attorneys will work zealously to ensure that they remain safe in the United States. Call our office at (562) 445-4870 to get more information about asylum and determine if you are eligible.

Cancellation of Removal for Non-LPR (240(A)(b))

Although you may be in removal proceedings, you might have a possibility to remain in the United States and terminate removal proceedings by applying for cancellation of removal.

If you are not a lawful permanent resident (“Green Card Holder”), the Court may grant you a cancellation of removal if you prove the following:

  1. You have maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S. for 10 years or more and have maintained good moral character during such period
  2. You have not been convicted of an offense covered under sections 212(a)(2), 237(a)(2) or 237(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
  3. Your removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to your U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse, parent, or child
  4. You are deserving of a favorable exercise of discretion on your application

The stakes are high when you are placed in removal proceedings; it is crucial that you urgently seek appropriate legal representation to determine whether you qualify for cancellation of removal. If you have any prior convictions, our attorneys can help you understand whether you are ineligible under the INA sections mentioned above. Our firm can represent you at every immigration court hearing and help you apply for cancellation of removal in order to terminate removal proceedings against you. If the court grants you a cancellation of removal, you will be eligible for lawful permanent resident status (“Green Card”) that will allow you to live and work in the United States. Call our office at (562) 445-4870 to schedule an immediate appointment.

Cancellation of Removal for LPR (240(A)(a))

If you have an upcoming immigration court hearing, you may be able eligible to apply for cancellation of removal as a lawful permanent resident (“Green Card Holder”). Cancellation of removal will terminate removal proceedings against you and you will be allowed to remain in the United States.

The court may cancel removal in your case if:

  1. You have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 5 years
  2. You have continuously resided in the United States for at least 7 years after being lawfully admitted in any immigration status
  3. You have not been convicted of any aggravated felony

Unlike cancellation of removal for non-lawful permanent residents, if you are a lawful permanent resident you will not have to prove any hardship to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident family member. Nevertheless, immigration law and immigration court proceedings can be very confusing, especially without proper legal representation. Our firm can guarantee that each of our attorneys will keep you well informed as to every step of your court proceedings and explain the law and facts affecting your case. We understand that facing removal proceedings is stressful and frightening so we are committed to providing each of our clients with close individualized attention. Call (562) 445-4870 to learn more about how the Law Offices of Michael M. Felix can represent you during your removal proceedings.

Withholding of Removal

If you are in removal/deportation proceedings, withholding of removal may protect you from returning to your home country that threatens your life or freedom. You are afforded the right to invoke a claim for withholding of removal at any time during the proceedings. To be granted withholding of removal you must show that it is more likely than not that your life or freedom would be threatened on account of race, religion, nationality, members in a particular social group or political opinion in your home country. Even though the standard of proof carries a high burden, if you meet the standard, the immigration Judge must grant withholding of removal. However, the court may order you removed to a third country where your life or freedom would not be threatened. Withholding of removal is only temporary, and unlike asylum, it does not have the avenue to lawful permanent resident status (“Green Card”).


Immigration has created various waivers to waive specific crimes of individuals seeking admission or intending to remain in the United States. A waiver is an application made for USCIS or the Department of State to set aside the reason for which you are not being permitted to enter or remain in the United States. Without these waivers, Immigration could deny you admission to the United States or deport you from the country based on your commission of a crime.

Under the 212(h) waiver, Immigration will waive a crime involving moral turpitude, multiple criminal convictions with an aggregate sentence of 5 years, prostitution or commercialized vice activities, a single conviction for simple possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana, and a serious criminal activity committed by an individual who asserts immunity from prosecution. Immigration may also waive aggravated felonies for certain lawful permanent residents (“Green Card Holder”) under INA section 212(c).

A 212(i) waiver will waive fraud or misrepresentation in procuring or attempting to procure an immigration benefit such as a visa or admission to the United States; not in obtaining employment or Social Security cards. Similarly, a 212(d)(12) waiver will waive document fraud.

Representation from Attorney Felix in Immigration Court - Free Consultation

Each of these waivers has specific requirements and will only waive particular offenses. It is important that you consult an experienced immigration attorney about your case before filing a waiver application. Our principal attorney Michael M. Felix served as a Judicial Law Clerk for the U.S. Immigration Court in Los Angeles. He drafted the actual legal decisions that the Immigration judges would render in Court addressing complex issues of immigration law such as waivers.

Call our office at (562) 445-4870 to consult with one of our Los Angeles immigration court attorneys about your case.

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