Immigration Humanitarian Reliefs
Lawful Permanent Resident Status for Persecuted Immigrants
Immigrants can be particularly vulnerable to crimes like human trafficking, domestic violence, and child abuse, due to language barriers, fear of deportation and law enforcements and separation from family and friends. Other immigrants have been persecuted and driven out of their home countries due to their religion, race or other factors. Accordingly, Congress has created several forms of immigration relief that are available to aliens who are victims and can eventually lead to lawful permanent resident status (“Green Card”).
The immigration forms of relief include:
- T nonimmigrant status for victims for human trafficking
- U nonimmigrant status for victims of crimes
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) for victims of domestic violence
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for child abuse, abandonment and neglect victims
- Asylum for victims of persecution in their country of origin
Our Los Angeles immigration firm can assist you not only to apply for these immigration forms of relief, but also to file your adjustment of status application when you become eligible to apply for lawful permanent resident status (“Green Card”). We are committed to representing our clients from the beginning of their immigration case until they become lawful permanent residents and eventually citizens of the United States.
Call to receive your free initial consultaiton with the Law Offices of Michael M. Felix in Los Angeles.